My work holds honesty, vulnerability, and ownership. I am a dance artist who focuses her movement research on the unpredictable nature of improvisational play and the structural familiarity of narrative movement. I investigate narrative through historical research. Utilizing the art of film, visual production, theatre, and musical compositions, I create a collage of multiple viewpoints within a movement sketch.
In the moments I find the work calls for the storyline; I am ignited by the smaller intricacies of gestural meaning. Once I create rules that make room for mistakes, observations, and elaborations to be made, I am charged with excitement to test the boundaries of the body, mind, and spirit.
Premiered 2022 at Florida State College at Jacksonville
Performed at the University of Maryland at College Park
An investigation of gameplay inspired by women who innovated technologies and even risked their livelihoods to benefit the communities they called home such as actress Hedy Lamar who was known as the “mother of wifi” patenting the spread spectrum technology used today.
This performance tests the non-visible boundaries of technology. Using the platform Zoom, I choreographed and preformed in the CrossWord Experiment.
A experiment of meshing childhood games and class improvisation to resonate with those within and outside of the dance community.
"Do it big; do it right; and do it with style."
—Fred Astaire